söndag 24 oktober 2010

Thaa weeeeeeeeeeekend

As usual the weekend have been soft, have been study some Swedish (Middle Ages) at Friday which were very boring. So at saturday i were at a local area network,and now i am siting at home and study Swedish -.-

måndag 18 oktober 2010

Tha weeekend

well i did discovered that the camera did not work at my iphone so now i need to wait like 3 more weeks to get a new one , so i am not so happy, other wise the weekend have been like the other weeks, just siting in front of my computer and throwing away my life.

lördag 9 oktober 2010

Tha weeekend

The weekend started really nice. finally i did get my iphone:>. On saturday I were at a local aerea network and the Internet did crash so i went home and right now i am drinking cola and looking at American pie.

söndag 3 oktober 2010

Tha weeeekend

This weekend have been kinda nice. On friday, did i play some games whit some friends on a local area network (LAN) On saturday i did get clear of that the guy who did sell the iphone to me had let the "higher rank" persons have there phone and now on sunday i am going to drink some coke and eat some chips.